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Ask the Etiquette Expert

Social Media Etiquette – Your Online Image

By October 26, 2015No Comments


Dear Diane,

I have two children in college who spend a large part of their free time connected to social media. I understand and appreciate that the norms for interacting with their friends have evolved. However, I hope to inspire them to use the various platforms within reason and with sound judgment. I want them to understand how much their online activity plays a role in their image, as they will soon be entering the professional world. Do you have any suggestions on how I should go about approaching this conversation?
Tracy D.

Maintaining a Positive Online Presence

Dear Tracy,

You are wise to recognize the connection between your college kids’ online activity and how it could potentially affect future employment opportunities. As young adults, they have reached an age where they are responsible for what they post and who they follow. Perhaps the next time they are home for a visit, you can have a conversation about your thoughts and concerns.

Ask them how would they describe their online image through the eyes of a hiring manager. Do they know that many employers will review an applicant’s social media accounts before making a final decision? Reiterate the importance of presenting a polished web presence. This requires being thoughtful about the types of information they share online regardless of their privacy settings.

Suggest they create a LinkedIn page or similar account where they can list clubs they affiliate with, as well as any community service projects and related experience they have accrued. Your adult children may be surprised at what a positive difference a few simple tweaks will make.


Diane Gottsman

Author Diane Gottsman

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